A Festival
September 14th and 15th
presented by
The Association of American
Editorial Cartoonists
partnership with George Washington
University’s School of
Media and Public Affairs
Ink-stained Wretches! Animators! Graphic Geniuses! Pinheads! Clowns! Liberals! Conservatives! Caricaturists! Comic Journalists! Newspaper Cartoonists! Donkeys! Elephants! Past Pulitzer Prize Winners! Future Pulitzer Prize Winners! We have all collections of vintage Rolex replica watches,
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Welcome remarks
Frank Sesno, John Cole
The Great American Political Cartoon: When Cartoonists Ruled the Day!
Sandy Northrop, Stephen Hess
Into the Matrix: Man vs. Machine
Nick Anderson, Steve Brodner
Cartooning Outside the Box
Mark Fiore, Ann Telnaes, Nick Anderson, Steve Brodner
Comics Journalism: Cartoonists Are on the Story
Matt Bors, Susie Cagle
Into the Matrix: Drawn vs Animated Cartoons
Mike Thompson, Nate Beeler
Campaign 2012, The View from Left Field
Tom Tomorrow, Jen Sorensen, Clay Bennett
Blown Covers, New Yorker Covers You Were Never Meant to See
Francoise Mouly
The New Yorker, TOON Books
Campaign 2012, The View from Right Field
Chip Bok, Scott Stantis, Nate Beeler
Cartoon Death Match: A Field of Memes
Todd Zuniga, Mark Fiore, Jen Sorensen, Keith Knight, Gene Weingarten, Dean Haspiel, Heidi Macdonald
Cartoonists: The Original Meme Machines
Matt Wuerker
Straight Outta Charlotte: Tales from the Democratic National Convention
Jen Sorensen
Daily Kos
America Needs a New Avatar
Rob Rogers
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Joel Pett
Lexington Herald Leader
Evolution of Style
Jack Ohman
The Oregonian, Portland
Cartoon Journalism Gets Animated
Patrick Chappatte
International Herald Tribune
Show Me Your Cartoon Papers
Lalo Alcaraz
The Magic of Ridicule
John Cole
The Times-Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Some Offense Intended
Clay Bennett
Chattanooga Times-Free Press
Art on Deadline
Nate Beeler
Columbus Post-Dispatch
The Five Secrets of Cartooning
Tom Toles
The Washington Post
The Mystery and Mastery of Caricature
The Economist
How Cartoons Counter Delusions, Misperceptions and Big, Fat Fibs
David Horsey
Los Angeles Times
Keynote address
Jake Tapper
ABC News
Cartooning para Todos
Gustavo Rodriguez
El Nuevo Herald
25th Anniversary of Hustler v Falwell
Roslyn Mazer
A Brief History of Mormons in Cartoons
Pat Bagley
The Salt Lake Tribune
CRNI Courage in Cartooning Award
Bro Russel, Drew Rougier-Chapman, Susie Cagle, Zunar
The Future of Freelance: Brought to you by RomneyCare
Brian McFadden
The New York Times
Ink Bottle Award
Bro Russel
This Is Not a Pipe
Ben Sargent
Austin Statesman
Locher Award
Ben Wade and Nate Beeler